Support Families

Shahab Noor began using your generous donations to send monthly food parcels to families who were unable to provide for themselves. This has since been ongoing throughout the rest of the year.

Give Your Donation today for Poor Families


Due to crushing poverty, countless Orphans in South Asian countries are unable to get married. They become so desperate they often resort to extreme measures. Following this, Shahab Noor began collecting to help the less fortunate by funding weddings.
£250/£500 wedding which will include basic furniture/clothes and some food to feed the guests

We need your Sadaqah/ Zakat donations so that we can continue to fund our projects in the community.


Your donations enabled us to save lives

Shahab Noor would like to support local homeless shelters by offering voluntary support and basic health care. Shahab Noor wish to be responsible for a clear pathway to education and sustain water systems and drinking facilities world-wide.

Give Your Donation Today

Shahab Noor have also supported disabled families and provided walking aids to those who needed them. Shahab Noor would also like to offer support to victims of domestic violence, disabilities and those suffering with mental health issues. Shahab Noor would like to give them an opportunity to rebuild their lives through mental health support.

£25/month to support clothes, stationary and fees.

Shahab Noor Charity Partnership with another charity
Provide Provision Wedding ceremony Projects:
Shahab Noor & Partner charity provision the Nikah Ceremony payment and wedding resources such bed linen, kitchen utensils and a dinner set.
Educationally Provision:
Brides who have sewing skills are also provided with a sewing machine to sustain their future income resource.